Our Statutes for the DogRescue Association
DogRescue wants to change and improve the living conditions of Romania's stray dogs but also the country's other animals. Through financial grants and adoption activities, DogRescue's work effort will in practice mean the difference between living and survival for as many individual animals as possible. Furthermore, DogRescue's main tasks are to promote opinion formation and to spread interest and knowledge within and outside Sweden about the vulnerability of the Romanian stray dogs.
for the nonprofit DogRescue association based in Båstad municipality, formed on 21 in March 2010.
§ 1 Purpose
The purpose of the association is to help distressed dogs, especially outside Sweden, to a better life through active work.
Section 2 Composition
The association consists of the natural persons who have been included in the association as members. DogRescue is a nonprofit association with no self-interest. The association is politically and religiously independent.
3 § Decision-making body
The association's decision-making body is the annual meeting, extra annual meeting and the board.
4 § Company drawing
The association's company is signed by the board and is so far. If possible, the association should have 2 company signers. Company signers may sign agreements individually in the name of the association.
5 § Business and financial year
The association's fiscal year and fiscal year comprise a calendar year.
6 § Statute interpretation, etc.
If there is any doubt as to the interpretation of these statutes, or if cases occur that are not foreseen in the statutes, the matter will be referred to the next annual meeting. In urgent cases, the matter may be decided by the Board. A member undertakes, through his membership of the Association, not to bring an action before the General Court in respect of the application of these statutes. Disputes concerning the application of the statutes shall instead be settled in accordance with the provisions of § 26.
7 § Statute amendment
To amend these statutes, a decision by annual meeting with 2 / 3 majority of the number of votes cast is required. Proposals to amend the statutes may be submitted in writing by both the member and the board.
8 § Resolution of the association
For dissolution of the association, a decision is required by the annual meeting with a 2/3 majority of the number of votes cast. Decisions on the dissolution of the association shall state that the association's assets shall be used for a specific purpose that promotes the dogs the association's target group, and where and for how long the dissolved association's documents etc. shall be archived.
9 § Membership
Membership is granted by the Board of Directors or by the person to whom the Board delegated decision-making power. The application for membership may be rejected only if it can be assumed that the person concerned will counter the association's purpose or interests. The decision to reject the membership application must be made by the Board.
10 § Withdrawal
A member who wishes to resign from the association shall notify the board in writing and shall be deemed to have immediately left the association. Paid membership fees are not refunded regardless of the time of departure.
Section 11 Exclusion etc.
A member may not be excluded from the association for any reason other than that he has neglected to pay fees decided by the association, thwarted the association's activities or purposes, or obviously damaged the association's interests.
12 § Member's rights and obligations
- has the right to participate in meetings organized for the members (members' meeting).
- has the right to information about the association's activities in the form of a membership magazine, website or similar, and to have access to board minutes.
- shall comply with the association's statutes and decisions.
- is not entitled to part of the balance or property upon dissolution of the association.
13 § Time and notice
Has a proposal been made for a change of status, closure or merger of the association with another association or its members
§ 13 The annual meeting, which is the association's highest decision-making body, is held during the summer months no later than the end of June at the time and place determined by the board.
14 § Proposals for matters to be considered by the annual meeting
Both the member and the board may submit proposals to be considered by the annual meeting. Proposals from a member must be submitted to the Board no later than 2 weeks before the annual meeting.
15 § Voting rights and right of opinion and proposal at annual meeting
Member who has paid membership dues no later than 3 months before the annual meeting, and in cases where membership ends during the period 3 months before the annual meeting, in time renews their membership, and who has filled 18 years, have the right to speak, vote and vote at a meeting. has the right to speak and the right to propose at the meeting.
16 § Decision making
The meeting is decided by the number of voting members present at the meeting.
17 § Decision and vote
Decisions are made through voting. All issues are decided by an absolute majority, which means more than half of the number of votes cast. All voting is open to the extent that the board / members do not decide on closed voting. Members should also be able to request a vote.
18 § Eligibility
Elected to the Board is a voting member of the association. The Board has the right to elect a new member to the Board at an ordinary Board meeting. He has a mandate for the next annual meeting and must then be re-elected.
Section 19 Matters at the annual meeting
At the annual meeting, the following shall be discussed and recorded:
- Determination of the voting list for the meeting.
Election of chairman and secretary for the meeting.
- Selection of minutes adjuster and counters.
Ask if the meeting has been announced correctly.
- Approval of Agenda.
- The Board's annual report for the most recent financial year.
- The Board's administration report and financial statements.
- Audit of the Board's management during the most recent financial year / financial year.
Question about discharge of liability for the board for the period to which the audit relates.
Determination of the association's fees, e.g. membership fees.
- Adoption of business plan for the coming financial year.
- Consideration of the Board's proposals and timely motions received.
Election of the association's chairman for a period of 2 years and the number of members and deputies where half are elected in 1 and 2 years respectively.
Decisions regarding greater financial significance for the association or its members may not be made unless it is included in the notice of the meeting.
20 § Extra annual meeting
The Board can call the members for an extra annual meeting.
The Board is obliged to convene an Extra Annual Meeting when the auditor or at least one tenth of the Association's voting members request it. Such a request must be written in writing and contain the reasons for the request. When the Board has received a valid request for an extra annual meeting, it must announce such a meeting within 4 weeks to be held within 2 months from the request received. At an extra annual meeting, only those who led the meeting may be admitted to treatment. If voting rights and voting rights at an extraordinary annual meeting apply, what is said in § 15 § and 16 §.
21 § Revision
The auditor or other person appointed for audit has the right to continuously review the association's accounts, annual meeting and board minutes and other documents. The association's accounts must be submitted at least one month before the annual meeting. The auditor or other appointed person must review the Board's administration and accounts for the most recent fiscal and financial year, as well as submit an audit report to the Board no later than 14 days before the annual meeting.
22 § Election Committee
The nomination committee / alternate members must present their proposal to the board to the association no later than 2 weeks before the annual meeting. The association will then also present received proposals in an accessible place to the members no later than 2 weeks before the annual meeting.
23 § Composition
The Board consists of the Chairman and a minimum of 2, a maximum of 7, other members and a maximum of 4 deputies. In the event of a member being prevented, the alternate will take his place. The member has the right to choose for himself which alternate shall serve as a substitute. At the annual meeting, board members and alternates have the right to speak, the right to vote and the right to vote in the same way as the members of the association. At board meetings, deputies have the right to speak and the right to propose. The right to vote applies in the event of a member being prevented if an alternate enters his or her place.
24 § The Board's duties
When the annual meeting is not gathered, the board is the decision-making body of the association. The board shall be responsible for the association's activities in accordance with established plans and safeguard the interests of the members. It is the Board's responsibility in particular to:
- ensure that the rules applicable to the association are observed,
- implement decisions taken by the annual meeting,
- plan, lead and distribute the work within the association,
- be responsible for and manage the association's funds,
- submit accounts etc. to the auditor in accordance with section 21,
- prepare annual meeting
The chairman
- is the official representative of the association,
- shall lead the board's negotiations and work
- shall monitor that the association's statutes and other rules are complied with.
If the Chairman is prevented, the Vice Chairman shall step into the Chairman's place.
- convenes meetings and provides the board with an agenda well in advance of the meeting,
- for minutes of board meetings,
- is responsible for documenting the association's history,
- manages minutes, letters, etc.
- ensures that decisions taken have been enforced,
- sign outgoing documents, unless the board decides otherwise,
- annually prepares proposals for the annual report for the association.
- responsible for by chairman. certified payments and ensures that receivables are collected,
- for a book of the association's accounts and inform the other board about it,
- shall prepare annual financial statements.
25 § Notice, decision-making and voting
The Board meets at the notice of the Chairman, according to a previous decision or at least half the number of members / alternates requested. All decisions require that at least half of all members of the Board agree on the decision. In the event of an equal number of votes, the Chairman shall have the casting vote. In urgent cases, the Chairman may decide that matters shall be decided by voting by telephone or e-mail. In this case, this will be reported on the next meeting minutes. Minutes shall be taken at the meeting. Minutes shall be adjusted by the chair and one minutes adjuster, or two minutes adjuster appointed by the chair. Anomalous sentences shall be recorded in the minutes.
26 § Divorce clause
A dispute in a dispute between a member and the association must not be brought before the general court. Such dispute shall, except in cases where another special arrangement is provided for in the statutes, be settled by means of impartial external arbitrators. Each party is responsible for its own costs as well as for the costs of the arbitrator appointed.