Make a difference!
DogRescue is a non-profit organization that works to save lives and make a real difference. Every year we help dogs both from the harsh world of the street but also through castrations and save them from so-called "death lists" waiting for death. Of all these dogs - we manage to adopt a few dogs that get a new home in Sweden with kind people who open up their home to a new family member. DogRescue works from Sweden but is also present in Romania.
Private dog fence
DogRescue owns and operates its own private dog shelter (shelter) which is of a high standard and is one of the few with a small veterinary clinic where hundreds of dogs together with the staff are like one big family. We also have the only enclosure we know of, our own dog pool and activation park where the dogs take turns playing, training and socializing. We have built our fence from the ground up, from raw land to what it is today to be independent of others and have full insight and control over the entire business. We continue to develop and improve our fence daily - as we grow.
Emergency efforts a necessity
We make emergency efforts where we save the lives of dogs that are injured and we spread information through schools as far as we can
We believe that education and attitude change go hand in hand with changing the conditions for animals, in countries where animals are not respected in the same way as we do at home in Sweden. As far as time and opportunity allow, we also carry out our own neutering campaigns in our enclosure where the people in the village can come and neuter their dog free of charge, all to reduce the street population that is only increasing in the country.
We are operating completely non-profit
The association is run entirely on a non-profit basis, and every penny goes to the cause. Since the association only accepts donations from private individuals and usually smaller companies (no government grants), your gift is incredibly important to us. You can choose to support us in many different ways. Either through a pure donation via swish or bank transfer, by becoming a support member, by purchasing one of our Gift Programs.
Give a gift
Swish number: 123 5457 106
Bank account: 614-9066
If you live abroad?